Interview med CBS Wire

The company’s website,, provides students with a list of all the scholarships they can apply for based on personal information about the students.
However, the path to going on exchange can be long and complicated, especially when applying for scholarships, according to three CBS students who are all currently on their master’s programs.
“We all went on exchange during our bachelor’s degrees and had to apply for scholarships to fund our stays abroad. However, as there are approximately 800 travel scholarships, it was extremely time-consuming to determine which exact scholarships we could apply for based on our personal and educational backgrounds,” says Morten Handest Høyer, a Finance and Strategic Management student.
“By purchasing this personal list of scholarships, students can now spend their time perfecting their personal applications, as opposed to deciding whether they are eligible to even apply for a given scholarship or not,” Christian Rudolf Larsen, who is also studying Finance and Strategic Management, continues.
“We can provide this service, as we have spent several months building a comprehensive scholarship database and subsequent algorithm that generate a list of all the various scholarships that a student is eligible to apply for, based on the information we have received,” he adds.
“The students are guaranteed their money back if we cannot provide the minimum. We naturally also make sure that the lists always include the newest sources of funding, so students won’t have to worry about that,” says Malte Jessen, who is studying Sales Management at CBS.
“Our goal is to help as many students as possible to get the necessary funding for their exchange stays abroad, because all students should have access to the financial backing for the exchange trip they wish to pursue,” Malte Jessen concludes.
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